Full Version: airtel latest free unlimited internet trick may 2015
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hey, guys i found up a airtel trick that works over a zero balance. in my area i having a 2g network, but you can also check this on 3g network.
first of all you need a airtel sim with zero balance.
now in a your mobile make a apn settings to
then download the latest version of "your freedom" app from play store.
after installing app, open it and click on the "configure" button on theright bottom.
then click on a "account information" , register up a account and then get back.
then click on the server connection,
set your freedom server:
connection mode port: https(tcp), then go back.
then click proxy settings, put proxy address "" and port 8080
after that get back on the main screen and click on "start connection".
and it's done.
let me know if this work for u or not..
it worked every where bro...but freedom speed sucks
..only give 2kbps
no bro, on my 2g network it give a 20+ kBps speed...
can we access any app like whatsapp with this trick...?

and sim will be blocked or not...?
yup this is tcp trick u can access all appp also play store limit per host 150 to 200mb per day
mobile data is not turning on... when i used as apn...? what to do now...?
bro dlt all apn setting msg MO to 54321

other then use apn
make a custom apn settings using as access point in your mobile....