Full Version: How To Create Hidden User Account In Windows 7
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So, if you want to create a hidden account for fun or for administrator privileges then don’t worry because I have created this tutorial in which I will show you that how you can create a hidden user account in your Windows 7 PC. Creating a hidden user account will also gives you the ability to use your computer as administrator account. So, without wasting much of your valuable time, let’s get started.

  • First of all, click on Start button and then go to All Programs > Accessories > Notepad or simply type Notepad in the Start search bar and then press Enter key on your keyboard.
  • Now, you have to copy and paste the below given code in the Notepad window.
  • @echo off
  • net user hidden password here /add
  • net local group Administrators secret /add
  • Now, you can also replace the here text with your desired password and add your desired username by replacing the secret text.
  • Then, go to File and then click on Save As… button.
  • Now, type hidden.bat and then select All Files from the Save As Type option and then just click on Save button.
  • After that, locate to your saved file and then open it using the Administrator account by right-clicking on the file and then select the Run as Administrator option.
  • Then, a command prompt window will appear for a few seconds and then disappear.
  • Now, to check that it worked or not, go to command prompt and then type net users and then if you see your newly created account in it then it means it works.
  • That’s it! You are done!