Full Version: Use two similar apps in the same device.
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Anybody like a app that to some extent that they want two same app in their same device.Or maybe they loved the new update but also don't want to remove previous update.
So frnds,here is the solution,we can clone apps and install it as any other apps simply by the use of apk editor.
Follow each step,it's easy and u all can master it:-
1.)Download and install apk editor from below attachment.
2.)Now Create a apk file(backup) of the app u want to clone.(U can use any backup tool for it).
3.)Now open apk editor, move to the folder where u have saved that apk file.
4.) Find the file,hold it until some options appear.
5.)Choose clone,select where to save cloned file,cloning process started,wait for 5-6 minutes as it take time to Start.
6.)If cloning done,move to the folder where u have saved ur cloned file using a simple file manager.
7.)Install it as any other normal app.
!!Congratulation u have two similar identity apps in the same phone.!!