Full Version: How to backup WhatsApp chats on Google Drive
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WhatsApp’s Android app will soon get an update with an interesting feature, which will let users take a backup of their chats on Google Drive. The latest WhatsApp for Android version 2.12.45 gets this update, but it’s currently not available on the Google Play Store and also can download from here
However, you can use the feature right away. Here’s how.

You will need to manually download the APK file to try out this feature now. Currently, when a user clicks on the Chat Backup option, the app backs up your chats on your smartphone’s internal storage. With the new update however, Chat Backup opens a new window with an additional option to take a backup on Google Drive.

Head over to Settings -> Chat Settings -> Chat Backup and allow WhatsApp to access the Google Account on the Android phone. After authenticating, you will be able to set how often you want the app to take backups. You can also set the app to take backups only when connected to Wi-Fi. The last option is recommended, since the backup also includes the media that were shared in a particular chat.

With this option enabled, you will be able restore messages when changing smartphones. When installing WhatsApp on a new smartphone, the app will ask if you want to restore messages from the Google Drive.