Full Version: (tutorial)Google search Tricks and tips. How search in google web?
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today TricksDuniya is back with a awesome article

this article change your style to search on google

ok now you all can serch directly your file or anything on google so let's move on google

(open) (this is search engin)

how to search BOOKS on google

if u like to search books on google as like am serach a eathical hacking book then write like this

filetypeTongueDF (eathical hacking)

this is serch for PDF type books?...."eathical hacking is a book name you can change it like what u want to search...

to read "pdf" format's book you all need to a pdf reader as like (adobe reader)


topic 2.....

if you want search special text on a website

now you not need to browse a site for many pages to serch something on it. by this method you can easily fine words of a website

ios crack

ios crack is a word to find that typr article on site as you can replace it with your word and site. as what u want


topic 3.....

this method is speclly use for find a file on domain extension as many are like to own country books etc. so speccly its use for that as like we want search in india

filetype:doc site:CO.IN books

after that serch it's only show book related website only for india url as

you can replace as you wish as .com .net etc.

you can replace books word as you likeĀ  "garden, public, best etc"


topic no 4.....

if we want to know that which website is give link of that website just serach like that

TRicksDuniya is website for latest tips and tricks also best deals here. by the using that method you can fine your site where linked on other site's


topic no. 5.....

if anyone want serach any audio or video file directly on google just follow that

"index of/" "criminal" .mp3

this string search mp3(audio) files if u want serch video files then change extension from .mp3 to mp4 or as u like


topic no. 6.....

by this method you can find address by phone number


lisa is name here and ca is place you can change it as u ike (it's not work in some countries)


we are back with soon for more tutorial like that

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