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How To Cancel A Sent Email in Gmail

Gmail is the giant mailing network by Google that allows user to send/receive emails and also provide cloud storage space also. In this network more than billions of people are sending and receiving emails daily. But i have a new trick for you for gmail which is [b]How To Cancel A Sent Email in Gmail. Yes you can cancel the email that you have sent to anyone on gmail. Sometime you accidently or intentionally mail to anyone then in that case it feels very embarrassing so at that time you can cancel the sent mail. Just follow up the below method to proceed.[/b]

[Image: Cancel-emails-in-gmail.jpg]

This feature is a part of gmail and you can use this feature to[b] cancel the email that you had sent. You just have to follow some of simple steps that i have discussed below.[/b]

  1. First of all login into your gmail account in which you want to cancel the mail.Now at the right top corner you will see setting option. just click on it.Now in the drop down list select settings.4. Now under the setting tab you will see the section Labs just click on it.
[Image: 121.jpg]

       5.    Now scroll down and enable the Undo Send button there. As this will enable undo send feature of                  your accoun

           [Image: 131.jpg]
       6. Now at bottom click on the save button

[Image: 141.jpg]

  1. 7.  Now gmail will give you 10 seconds to undo every email when it is sent, but you can change this            time in settings->general->undo send->cancellation period and set it to maximum of  seconds.8.  Thats it everytime you send the mail it will dislay 10-30 seconds to undo the sent email.