Full Version: Trick to create your own RUN Command in Windows
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1: Select the software for make custom run command.for ex, Mozilla firefox you may use application or software is already there in run command.

2: Then right click on the desktop and make a shortcut

3: select the shortcut, it will open up a dialog box asking the path of the application or software for which you want to create

4: you need to provide the path of the application's file i.e "Firefox.exe".it can be found out in the C driver under program files.

5: After that provide a relative name for shortcut.for example "MF" for firefox.

6: now click on finish.The shortcut of application will be created on your desktop screen.

7: cut and paste the created shortcut into the root drive i.e c/windows/. for this make sure you are the admin of computer.

8: now, done with the process of creating the run command and you can open run command and type "MF" to open Mozilla Firefox application.