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How To Disallow Websites To Track Your Location In Google Chrome

About two out of three person in world is using internet in daily life. In this world wide web there are many organizations are made to look after this world’s huge network. Because in this network illegal activities can also happen which may include hacking and terrorism etc. Even many sites can track your locations too. So to ensure your privacy you need to keep your location hide that is why we are here with the method for [b]How To Disallow Websites To Track Your Location In Google Chrome. With this you will not allow any of site to tracks your location. For this just follow up the below post.

[Image: Disallow-Websites-To-Track-Your-Location...Chrome.png]

The process is inbuilt feature in google chrome that will [b]stop your location access from different sites. With this you can secure yourself being tracked by some unauthorized organizations and many attackers that may be spying on you. Just follow some simple stepd below to proceed.

1. First of all you need to have the latest version of Google Chrome Browser which you can get from [b]here.[/b]
2. Now launch the Google Chrome and open settings from the three lines button at the right top corner.

[Image: 110.jpg]

3. Now scroll down and click on [b]show advanced settings there.[/b]

[Image: advanced-settings.jpg]

4. Now below privacy click on [b]content settings.[/b]

[Image: 211.jpg]

5. Now scroll down and you will see location field there check the button [b] do not allow any site to track my physical location and click on done at the right bottom of screen.[/b]

[Image: 42.jpg]

6. Thats it now your google chrome browser will not allow sites to track your location while surfing on intrenet.

#2 Stop Your Location Access From Sites Using Change GeoLocation Extension

1. First of all download and install [b]Change GeoLocation extension in your Google Chrome Browser from here.[/b]

[Image: change-geolocation.jpg]

2. Now after installing a pin icon will appear at the right top corner of your Chrome Browser click on it.
3. Now there you will the values of location that you want to set and here you can set any fake location that sites will going to access.

[Image: change-geolocatio1.jpg]

4. By this why now your actual location will not be accessed by any site from your browser.

So above is all about [b]How To Disallow Websites To Track Your Location In Chrome. By these method you can easily hide or fake your location in your google chrome and ensure your privacy by disallowing the location access to all spy agencies and the attackers being spying on you. Hope you like the post, share it with other also to make them aware about this. leave a comment below if you have any related questions.