Full Version: SEND SELF Destructing Emails
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IF U WANT TO SEND MAIL TO YOUR FRNDS. BUT IF  U WANT THAT YOUR MAIL WILL APPEAR IN FRNDS INBOX FOR LIMIT TIME. Like if you want to make fun with your friends without a proof that you have send the emails. then you can use this method by which email will get automatically delete from the device to which you are sending the mail.

[Image: 348hqfl.jpg]

In this method you will use a Dmailing service that will allow you to revert back your sent email and with this you can send message to anyone through email and then revert back your email and receiver will not have any proof of that received message. You just have to follow some simple steps discussed below to try out this cool trick.

Steps To Send Self Destructing Emails:-

1.First of all you need to have latest version of Google Chrome Browser in your computer.

2. After installing the latest version of Google Chrome launch it in your PC and the open the extension Dmail in your browser.

[Image: 34nl7gn.jpg]

3. Now click on Add to Chrome button there and then click on ok button on popup appear.

[Image: 2mi23qq.jpg]

4. Now dmail will get added to your chrome, now open your Gmail account from where you want to send Self Destructive Emails.

5.  Now click on compose button there and you will see DMAIL auttomatically appearing with it and there you can set the time period for your email to get deleted automatically.

[Image: jg1a8y.jpg]

6. Thats it you are done the sent email will get deleted after the set time period on Dmail and you can make fool of your friends and send some secret things for a short while.