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How to test your screen for bad, dead and stuck pixels in Chrome

*.In Chrome, download the “Bad Pixel Test” app from the Web Store.

*.Install the said app on your web browser.

*.After installing Bad Pixel Test
just launch it from your Chrome app launcher and then press F11 to view your browser in full screen.

*.After which
properly wipe off your screen using a piece of cloth.
Make sure to remove the dusts and dirt so that it won’t interfere with your test.

just press space bar to switch to a color mode. By default, the app will switch your browser screen to black so you just need to press the space bar again to switch to another color mode.
All in all, the app would let you switch to five different color modes namely black, white, red, blue and green.

*. now, carefully assess your screen for bad or defective pixels.
If you see pixels that never show any light and are usually black, then they’re most likely dead pixels. If you see pixels that always shows some light (usually red, blue or green), then they’re most likely stuck pixels.

*.Take your time.
It is important for you to properly assess the pixels on your display so that you’ll know when to seek for a temporary or permanent fix.

*. once you’re finished doing the bad pixel test, simply press “Esc” to exit from full screen.

Link: Bad Pixel Test