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How to set up an anti-theft alarm in Android

*.On your Android device, go to Play Store.

*.On Play Store, find the app called “Anti Theft Alarm – Security” Apps.

*.Download and install Anti Theft Alarm – Security app on your Android smartphone.

*.Once installed
launch the app from your home screen or app drawer.

*.On the app’s main interface, you can see an alarm switch that is similar to the ones being used for vehicles.

*.Just press the lock icon to turn on your alarm. Once enabled, the red light on the virtual switch will blink so you will know if it’s really working.

*.To configure the app
just tap gear icon on the top-right corner of its main screen. By doing so, you can set your preferred unlock password, activation delay, sensitivity, alarm sound, etc.

*.After configuring the app
you can now go back to your home screen.
that’s it.

Note: Every time someone tries to unplug your app from its charger, the app will make this annoying alarm sound that is similar to the alarm sound that you hear in vehicles.
It will also secretly take a snapshot of the person who is trying to take your phone.
If you want,
you can also configure the app to make a sound whenever someone tries to take your phone away even while on standby mode.

Link: Anti Theft Alarm – Security