Full Version: Book PVR Movie tickets at flat 50% discount
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Book Movie ticket from PVR website and get flat 50% off ,by just using a coupon,the offer is valid on any amount purchase,no condition for minimum so buy 1 or 10 and get flat 50% off,PVR cinema is one of the largest and most premium film and retail entertainment company in India,PVR acquired the cinemax properties in 2012 and is currently serving 40+ cities,60 million patrons.
[Image: pvr_logo.png]

As a promotional PVR is offering flat 50% off on all the online ticket bookings for all the cities ,follow the steps below.

To avail this offer just head to pvrcinemaswebsite choose your city from top right ,or if your city is not listed ,open url like this- Replace Lucknow with your city name,next initiate your booking,select movie,time and date,proceed and reach the payment page,on payment page input details at the top,name,email and mobile,then click offer and apply the promo/coupon code MISSU50,50%discount will get applied make payment and complete the booking.

Additional details:-
1)Offer available only for a limited time,
2)The coupon can be used for one or multiple tickets,
3)Offer cannot be clubbed with other offers,
4)Offer available for all cities and movies,
5)Each user can avail the offer only once.