Full Version: Kali Linux: How to make urself anonymous on internet/network using TOR service
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As we all know kali linux is the most powerful OS to exploit & to learn hacking techniques..

U can say it's a successor of BACKTRACK OS.
so 2day we'll see how to become anonymous on internet.
In kali linux,TOR is a service which allows a user to access the internet in onion routing means ur IP will get change continuosly like peels of onion(one inside anoher).
Kali include a tool named as PROXYCHAINS that forces any TCP connection made by any application to run through set of proxies.
There r 3 types of Proxychains in kali:
1. Dynamic-: IP gets changing dynamically.
2. Strict-: Set of IPs are used but all remain same and used after 1 another.
3. Random-: it makes layers of random IPs.

so lets start,

First,we need to install TOR on ur kali destribution.
type in terminal:

# sudo apt-get install tor

it will install tor service on ur pc(internet connection required)

Now,to start TOR service:[/font]

#service tor start

U'll get the msg that daemon has started...running.something like this.

Step 2: is to configure Proxychains 

now,type in terminal:

#nano /etc/proxychains.conf

It'll open the editor in which u'll see configuration of proxychains.

now remove '#' from that chain which u want to use(i'll recommend dynamic chain)

now,goto the last of the configuration and add new line and write-:

socks 9050

now write the file by pressing "ctrl+O" and exit by pressing "ctrl+x"

now......we have all set to browse anonymously on web
type in terminal-:

#proxychains iceweasel(to open iceweasel browser) OR
#proxychains iceweasel  (to go on specific URL)

browser will open and u can check ur ip
it will be changing tym by tym u browse the net..

P.S. sorry for any error while writing [Image: tongue.gif]