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You can now use your USB flash drives to lock and unlock your windows PC. With USB Raptor installed on your windows PC, you only need to plug in a USB flash drive to unlock or remove it to lock it. Here’s how you can use a USB Flash Drive to Lock and Unlock your windows PC.

## How To Lock And Unlock Your PC Using a USB Flash Drive Only??

Step 1: Download and Install USB Raptor in your Windows PC.

Step 2: Once installed, Connect a USB drive to your PC and run the program.

Step 3: Enter a P assword of your choice.

Step 4: Select the USB drive and click on Create k3y file to create a encrypted key file on the USB Flash Drive. Finally select on Enable USB Raptor.

Step 5: Now when you'll remove the USB Flash drive, your PC will be locked.

NOTE :- You will have to plug in the USB flash drive again and your PC will be unlocked. Alternatively you can even type in the password manually. USB Raptor has got a host of other advanced settings too, which you should only change if you are an advanced user.