Li-Fi new technology to get a speed 100 times faster than Wi-Fi.
it’s time to shift from Wi-Fi to Li-Fi, an alternative technology that is100 times faster than the average speeds of Wi-Fi.
Scientists have now field-tested the new wireless technology called Li-Fi for the first time and achieved marvelous wireless speeds that are 100 times fasterthan current WiFi speeds.
Scientists achieved mind-blowing speeds of 224 GBPS (gigabytes per second) in the lab using Li-Fi.
It is believed that this technology has the potential to change everything about the way we use the Internet today.
Unlike Wi-Fi network signals,
Li-Fi is based on light and can’t penetrate through walls, which makes it more secure from external sniffing. Mean while, it also means there is less interference from other devices.
So readers be ready for new high speed technology, Li-Fi.
(This post was last modified: 11-28-2015, 10:48 PM by Avishkar Singh.)